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Jakarta and extreme weather

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Jakarta and surrounding areas are experiencing the transition from dry season to rainy season. BMKG stated, the extreme conditions that occur normally with some notes.
Extreme Data Kasubid Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Strong Ribudyanto states, a condition that occurs when this is happening in the normal transition from dry season to rainy season.
"This condition normally occurs in these months," he said when interviewed INILAH.COM via phone (27/10). As is known, on Wednesday (26/10), Jakarta hit by heavy rains that made the fallen trees as well as some billboards collapsed.
Extreme conditions are expected to last for 1 to 1.5 months to November is due to local evaporation. Local evaporation that occurs at this time comes from the sea and water sources in Jakarta and surrounding areas.
"Evaporation is sparking the emergence of cumulonimbus clouds that can cause high winds, tornado, lightning, heavy rain of short duration between one to two hours and hail," he said when interviewed via telephone INILAH.COM.
During the transition period, these cumulonimbus clouds gather from morning until noon and it will rain in the afternoon to evening between 12.00 to 15.00 pm. "If you've entered the rainy season, rain can occur at any time," he said.
Things to watch include lightning and the rain itself. "We recommend that residents avoid areas of potentially like a tree struck by lightning and iron. For the rain itself, because it is local, be alert to the emergence of standing water if drainage is bad there, "he explained.
For landslides, beware of Jakarta and surrounding areas who have reached 45 degrees steepness, especially areas that do not have too much vegetation, he concluded.
Similarly, the Department of Meteorology ITB Experts Drs Zadrach Ledofij Dupe, M. SI, say, a condition that occurs in some areas this is a normal condition. This condition is caused due to the position of the sun which is right on top of Java.
As a result, "The formation of cloud convection or Comulonimbus more effectively," he said. In this position, the existing solar radiation into the cloud Comulonimbus maximum so easily formed.
Active cloud itself has a gigantic size, located at an altitude of 17 kilometers. Inside these clouds can be found water, ice and wind. "Because there is ice on top of clouds, ice and water dynamics are resulting in the emergence of lightning," he explained.
Lightning itself has the ability to grab from cloud to cloud and from cloud to Earth, at this time, strong winds combined will lead to the emergence of heavy rain or lightning storms Thunderstorm.
On the other hand, say experts from this ITB, the potential there is very small hurricane, "What happened just a hurricane," he said. For activities like lightning itself would not be influenced by La Nina because La Nina conditions are still observed weak, he said. [MDR]


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